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Mystery Island Hybrids

Most mystery islands that you go to will have one of two flower species. These two flower species vary for each person (for me, it's Cosmos and Windflowers). These species are also the species that are always available in your Nook stop. It's been confirmed that the genetics of flowers on mystery islands are the same as those sold in the the Nook stop, unless you happen upon a rare hybrid mystery island.

There are two rare-hybrid mystery-islands, each with one of your two flowers species (for me, one has Cosmos and the other has Windflowers). These rare hybrids have excellent genetics for breeding rare flowers, dramatically increasing your odds of getting those rare flowers. This page shows what happens when you breed these rare-island hybrids for each species. I'll use a (MI) ending to indicate the mystery island varieties. I hope to soon incorporate these flowers into the Mass Production Guides.

Cosmos drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Cosmos flowers come in Orange and Pink. The Orange (MI) Cosmos can be used to make Black cosmos 3x faster. The Pink (MI) cosmos aren't really useful for anything.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Black Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 18.75% Orange (MI), Orange, Red
Pink Pink (MI) Pink (MI) 37.5% Red, White, Orange, Yellow
Black Orange (MI) Pink (MI) 6.25% Orange, Red, Pink

Hyacinths drawing drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Hyacinth flowers come in Orange, Pink, and Blue. The Orange (MI) Hyacinth and Blue (MI) Hyacinth can be used to make Purple Hyacinths 4x faster. The Pink (MI) Hyacinth aren't really useful for anything and therefore aren't listed in the table.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Purple Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Orange (MI), Yellow
Purple Blue (MI) Blue (MI) 25% Blue (MI), Red
Purple Orange (MI) Blue (MI) 25% Orange (MI), Orange, Blue (MI)

Lilies drawing drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Lily flowers come in Black, Pink, and Orange. None of the Lily colors are particularly difficult to get from seed flowers, but this mystery island gives you all of the hybrid color varieties. These hybrids are useful for making more hybrids, as each can generate more of the same color 75% of the time when bred together. Crossing the colors doesn't really help much.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Black Black (MI) Black (MI) 75% Orange
Pink Pink (MI) Pink (MI) 75% White
Orange Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 75% White

Mums drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Mum flowers come in Purple and Pink. The purples can be used to easily get Green mums, but they're not the most efficient way to get Purple Mums.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Green Purple (MI) Purple (MI) 18.75% Purple (special), Red
Green Purple (MI) Pink (MI) 6.25% Red, Purple, Pink
Purple Pink (MI) Pink (MI) 18.75% Pink, Red, White, Yellow

Pansies drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Pansy flowers come in Blue and Orange. Both can be used to make Purples 4x faster than traditional methods.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Purple Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Orange (MI), Orange
Purple Blue (MI) Blue (MI) 25% Blue (MI), Blue
Purple Blue (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Orange, Red

Note that the genetics for each of these hybrid purples are slightly different, but this shouldn't matter too much for breeding purposes.

Roses drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Roses come in Pink and Orange. The Orange roses from these islands are extremely valuable, as they skip many of the steps from the method to mass produce blue roses. Bred together, two Orange (MI) roses sometimes make Blue roses, and 12.5% of the hybrids will be Red (very special) roses that can make Blue roses 25% of the time. The Pink roses are good at making more Pinks, but that's about it.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Blue Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 6.25% Orange, Yellow, Red (very special), White
Pink Pink (MI) Pink (MI) 100% -
Purple Pink (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Red, White

Tulips drawing drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Tulip flowers come in Black, Orange, and Pink. The Black and Orange tulips can make Purples 4x faster than other methods, and the Orange (MI) tulips can make more Orange (MI) tulips, which can increase the odds of getting Purple even further. The Pink (MI) tulips aren't really good for much, so they aren't listed in the table.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Purple Orange (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Orange (MI), Yellow
Purple Black (MI) Black (MI) 25% Black
Purple Black (MI) Orange (MI) 25% Orange, Black (MI)

Windflowers drawing drawing

The rare hybrid mystery island Windflowers come in Blue and Pink. They can all be used to make more Purple Windflowers, similar to the mystery island Pansies. These make Purple Windflowers 4x faster than traditional methods.

Hybrid Color Parent 1 Parent 2 Chance Other possible colors
Purple Blue (MI) Blue (MI) 25% Blue (MI), Blue
Purple Pink (MI) Pink (MI) 25% Pink (MI), Pink
Purple Pink (MI) Blue (MI) 25% Pink, Red

Note that the genetics for each of these hybrid purples are slightly different, but this shouldn't matter too much for breeding purposes.